“Everybody in this World
Deserves a Place Where They


Meet Carolina Bakker

Carolina has a passion for everything around growth, mindset and neuroscience. Her curiosity drives her to continuously study and learn, always seeking more profound and effective methods to assist her clients. 

Carolina feels that everybody in this world deserves a place where they feel they belong, can be confident, and accepted for who they are. She is convinced that everything and everyone is connected to each other, and aims to create a positive, soul-healing ripple effect, uplifting the world.

Working in the field of coaching and healing for more than a decade, Carolina has developed a comfortable and unique way to reach into the core of your issue. She supports people, like you, who can feel they are not living their best life yet, but can’t quite put their finger on the cause of that. 

Carolina’s clients seek her out to go on a soul-inspired journey to feel more confident, break through their limiting beliefs, to live an authentic, powerful and happy life and to thrive in business. For corporate and household leaders alike, she offers an authentic and comprehensive coaching experience. 

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My story in a nutshell

One day I woke up realising that, for no clear and apparent reason, I wasn’t genuinely happy.

I was successful, but always 100% ON and slowly making my way into a burnout. Quite honestly, between running the rat race and doing what society expected of me, I simply lost sight of who I was, and of the bigger dreams I had.

That all changed when I hired a coach to work with me.  She helped me understand that we are in control of our thoughts and emotions, and how we can shape our inner world to create a better life for ourselves. I was fascinated, and felt I found my purpose.

I took a training with Tony Robbins, started my own coaching business, and have since then coached hundreds of clients from all over the world. I’m grateful every day for being guided, to do what I LOVE.

I realise this is a very small nutshell, and I am always happy to tell you more. Just ask!

Education & Experience

Carolina is trained as a Business & Leadership Coach, NLP coach, Life coach, and Systemic Coach (also known as Family Constellations Coach). She is a registered Board Certified Coach (BCC) in the US, and at the European Institute for Systemic Education & Coaching (EISEC).

Carolina has several Coaching diploma’s, ranging from the famous Tony Robbins training institute for Coaching (RMT) in the US, as well as from the University Isabel I in Barcelona, Spain. Furthermore, she holds multiple certificates from organisations in Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium for Systemic Coaching and Family Constellations Coaching.

Recognizing the profound impact of holistic wellness on leadership and personal growth, Carolina expanded her expertise by studying various intuitive and energetical healing techniques, such as Reiki, Sekhem Mer, and Akashic Records. This unique blend of traditional coaching methods and spiritual healing practices has become a hallmark of her coaching style, enriching her sessions with a deeper, more comprehensive approach.

Carolina has held C- level positions a program manager for large technological companies, like Vodafone (Ziggo), General Electrics and Zürich Insurance. Carolina was expatriated to many countries and has experienced many cultures because of that.

Carolina started her coaching business in 2010. During her first coaching years, she’s coached her co-workers, peers and managers part-time, after which she decided to dedicate herself to coaching full-time in the beginning of 2019.

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