Meet Carolina

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My story in a nutshell

One beautiful Saturday morning as I woke up, a stark realization hit me: I wasn’t genuinely happy. The birds were singing, and sunlight streamed through my window, but none of it mattered – I felt nothing but overwhelming stress. Despite seeming to have made it in life – a successful career, a beautiful home, and a vibrant social life – on the inside, all I could feel was all-consuming exhaustion.

Allowing myself to fully experience the weight of my emotions, I gradually began to understand and admit where these feelings might be coming from.

On the surface, my life was picture-perfect. But beneath the first thin layer, I was trapped in a big, toxic, exhausting Rat Race. My achievements came at great personal cost: I was always 100% ON, always working. At night, I would lie awake, my mind racing with thoughts of work – mentally rehearsing presentations, reviewing to-do lists, and thinking about difficult conversations.

At the office, I carried my packed 14-hour work days like a badge of honour. I proudly spoke of my stress and lack of sleep as if they were a trophy, demonstrating my commitment and dedication. Yet, maintaining a strong posture and a constant smile, I was barely holding myself together.

After a long day, I would get in my car, feeling so broken, so inadequate, and so utterly alone, that often I would drive home crying. I knew, that no matter how much effort I poured into my work or how great the results I achieved… With one little mistake, I could lose it all.

I often wondered, “How do others manage? Why can’t I keep up?”
It felt like no matter what I did, it was never enough. I was never enough.

And on that same beautiful Saturday morning, feeling emotionally and spiritually drained, I reached a breaking point.

Memories I had long suppressed came flooding back, within moments. I recalled the many ways I had changed myself to fit in, how I became somebody I was not – hiding my true self and adjusting my appearance. I remembered the deep longing to be seen and accepted: to be told I was good enough, loved and appreciated. That being woowoo was okay, even if others couldn’t see what I saw, hear what I heard, or feel what I felt.

Like a movie played on fast forward, chunks of my life started appearing in my mind. I recalled buying a leather jacket in high school to look tougher and how I removed the natural skip in my stride to avoid bullies. I remembered how I pretended I wasn’t a medium, hiding my ability to talk to spirits. I chose dull grey, mannish suits to blend in at work and removed my second earring because it wasn’t deemed “business-like”.

I remembered locking away every ounce of my intuition, because “that couldn’t be put in a spreadsheet”. I even wore men’s perfume, guided by science that said it would help me become more professional. And I remembered the first time I worked an unhealthy 80-hour week, feeling recognized by my managers at last… But at what cost?

As these memories surfaced, I saw clearly how I had adjusted, changed. I had ignored my joy, my family, my health, and the growing empty feeling inside. I had slowly lost my wild, unique spirit. It had happened all so gradually – I didn’t even notice.

Somehow, intuitively, I knew the only way to a fulfilled and joyful life, was to become somebody new – to honour the learnings and experiences, and to reconnect with the wild spirit of my true Self.

This epiphany led me to a dramatic turnaround in my life.
My plan was that my coaching business, which I was doing in addition to a full-time job, would become my main source of income. It would be easy, I thought. I already had a solid client base, so how hard could it be?

With a fresh perspective and renewed confidence, I began my journey. And it started out great!! I was able to quit my job, and I had my first 6-figure year. This was the dream!!

And she lived happily ever after....

Well... Not quite.

About a year and a half into my journey, I noticed a significant drop in my results. Although the recurring customer base was stable, attracting new clients became increasingly difficult. The things that used to bring me joy, like discovery calls and meeting new people, became awkward and uncomfortable, leaving me uneasy and anxious.

In response, I changed my strategy and shifted gears, certain that harder work could reverse the downward spiral. But despite relentless hours and various tactics – from sales training to boosting social media visibility – nothing seemed to help.

As my numbers fell, so did my confidence. Doubt crept in, replacing joy with fear, and the usual enthusiasm was replaced by overwhelm. I found myself resisting working on my business, and even entertained the idea of returning to the toxic corporate environment I had so eagerly left behind. What was I doing wrong?
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I replaced my colourful outfit with a boring grey jacket. I replaced my intuition with tools and removed the second earring to look more professional. I had become my own toxic manager.

Then, I hit my first 80-hour workweek in my own business.

Waking up the next morning, I felt nothing but overwhelming stress. Despite the beautiful day outside, with the sun shining and birds singing, all I could feel was all-consuming exhaustion.

Then it hit me: the problem was me. I had fallen back into the old Rat Race trap of over-achieving. I was changing myself to fit in, of becoming someone I was not, hiding my true self, and adjusting my appearance. I was back in the Rat Race cycle, and I didn’t even notice.

How on earth could others trust me to support them, if they couldn’t see who I truly was?

I was repelling clients with my stress, my overachiever’s energy, and my intense drive to sign them up, to sell. The highly intuitive people I engaged with could sense the desperation from afar, they could feel my energy was not resonating with theirs, and it inevitably pushed them away. That day, I began another, transformative journey to bridge the gap that stress and self-doubt had created.

I reconnected with my higher purpose, the original reason I started the business. I no longer silenced my intuition and welcomed the guidance of my spirit team once again. I strengthened my vibration of love, truth, healing and abundance and opened up space for positivity to flood in. To anchor these changes, I put daily routines in place, so the old habits wouldn’t resurface. And I sought extra support of my coach who held me accountable, ensuring I remained true to my core intentions.

The shift was noticeable immediately and within days the energy in conversations changed. The interactions with clients regained their comfortable rhythm. I connected on a profound level, rediscovering the power of giving someone space to heal at their own pace. Through each genuine interaction, the confidence returned, and new clients began to appear as if by magic. This positive flow has continued strong and steady to this day.

On rare occasion, the conditioning of the Rat Race still overtakes me. Which is why I keep learning, studying and improving myself every day, something I truly enjoy and make time for. With the same tools and practices I’ve adopted and now teach to my clients every day, I can quickly recognize what’s happening and help them return to a calm, relaxed, peaceful state of being.

Now, I can truly say I am happy. I’ve embraced my femininity, I wake up looking forward to my day, and I engage in real, honest, deeply connecting conversations. I prioritize holding space for my clients to heal, which is clearly reflected in my business results.

And in the process, I’ve discovered what makes my heart jump higher and my soul sing louder: freeing others from their own life of captivity, stress and overwhelm in their business and supporting them in their Rat Race Recovery.

The Universe truly delivered on showing me my purpose and what I’m made to do.

Carolina Bakker, the main coach and founder of Coaching by Carolina, sitting in a pink chair in front of a sunny background.

My Philosophy

Carolina feels that everybody in this world deserves a place where they feel they belong, can be confident, and accepted for who they are. She is convinced that everything and everyone is connected to each other, and aims to create a positive, soul-healing ripple effect, uplifting the world.

Working in the field of coaching and healing for more than a decade, Carolina has developed a comfortable and unique way to reach into the core of your issue. She supports people, like you, who can feel they are not living their best life yet, but can’t quite put their finger on the cause of that. 

Carolina’s clients seek her out to go on a soul-inspired journey to feel more confident, break through their limiting beliefs, to live an authentic, powerful and happy life and to thrive in business. For corporate and household leaders alike, she offers an authentic and comprehensive coaching experience. 

Education & Experience

Carolina started her coaching business in 2010. During her first coaching years, she’s coached her co-workers and managers part-time, after which she decided to dedicate herself to coaching full-time in the beginning of 2019.

Working in the field of coaching and healing for more than a decade, Carolina has developed a comfortable and unique way to reach the core of your issue. She supports people, like you, who can feel they are not living their best life yet and want to turn their life towards happiness and abundance. 

Carolina is trained as a Business & Leadership Coach, NLP coach, Life coach, and Systemic Coach (also known as Family Constellations Coach). She is a registered Board Certified Coach (BCC) in the US, and at the European Institute for Systemic Education & Coaching (EISEC).

She has multiple life and business coaching diploma’s, ranging from the famous Tony Robbins training institute for Coaching (RMT) in the US, as well as from the University Isabel I in Barcelona, Spain. Furthermore, she holds multiple certificates from organisations in Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium for Systemic Coaching and Family Constellations Coaching.

Recognizing the profound impact of holistic wellness on leadership and personal growth, Carolina expanded her expertise by studying various intuitive and energetical healing techniques, such as Reiki, Sekhem Mer, and Akashic Records. This unique blend of traditional coaching methods and spiritual healing practices has become a hallmark of her coaching style, enriching her sessions with a deeper, more comprehensive approach.

Carolina has held C- level positions a program manager for large technological companies, like Vodafone (Ziggo), General Electrics and Zürich Insurance. Carolina was expatriated to many countries and has experienced many cultures because of that.

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