Rat Race Recovery

Are you Living, or just… Surviving?

It's Time...

Uncover the essence of what makes you unique and true.

Experience happiness from the inside out — no matter what’s going on in your life.


It’s time to attract your own tribe, to build deep bonds with like-minded people.

Discover what makes you happy, successful, and authentic.

And live a life with more joy, relaxation, acceptance…


It’s time to remember who you are in your heart before life took you in a million directions.

Take decisions from a powerful state of being,

And remove the clutter that’s preventing you from living your best life.


It’s time to reconnect to your inner power and take it to a higher level.

Welcome to your new journey …

I’m so happy you’re here!

Coach Carolina in a colourful shirt smiling

Coaching philosophy

You’re here because something in the Rat Race isn’t working for you – and as a result you’re feeling drained, disconnected, or uncertain of who you truly are.

Maybe you’ve stepped away from a toxic environment, or perhaps you’re still in it, trying to find the strength to set boundaries and build resilience.

Wherever you are, you’re ready to reclaim the life you deserve, one where confidence, purpose, and inner peace are your guiding forces.

In our work together, we’ll go beyond quick fixes or surface-level changes. You’ll discover deep insights that unlock real freedom and you’ll learn how translate those into your daily life, so they become part of who you are.

Your journey is about cultivating trust in yourself again, tuning into your intuition, and aligning with a path that feels right for you – not for anyone else.

Imagine stepping into each day grounded in your own power, no longer held back by past patterns or external pressures.

That’s the life we’ll create together: one where you feel deeply fulfilled, balanced, and authentically you.

Success Stories

If you change nothing, Nothing will change.

You do what you always did, so you’ll get what you always got

Albert Einstein

What we'll do



Get specific around what you want in your life, and why.

Together, we will take a journey into your future. You will discover what it is you want most in life, and what hidden dynamics and limiting beliefs have been keeping you from living your dream life.



Become aware of the automatic choices you make every day.

We’ll bring your unconscious self-sabotage routines to the surface, and address the patterns that make you feel stuck. You’ll learn to trust yourself and be confident, and will get rid of that which does not serve you.



Your insights and empowered mindset will transform your life forever.

Rather than a temporary change, you will incorporate your new state of being & your new beliefs into your day to day life. Self-confidence and your growth mindset will become your new normal.

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